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Named Tuple

Like the Counter object namedtuple is another data type within the collections module. It is used to give names to the elements within a tuple object and make for easier code readability. When you create a namedtuple constructor it looks something like this:

import collections
from collections import namedtuple

Point = namedtple("name", "paramater1, parameter2, parameterx")

p = Point(1,4,5)

print(p)  # prints name(parameter1=1 ,parameter2=4 , parameterx=5)


Because each of our elements in the tuple now has a name attached to it we are able to access elements by name.

import collections
from collections import namedtuple

Point = namedtple("Point", "x y")

p = Point(1,4)

print(p.x)  # prints 1
print(p.y)  # prints 4
print(p)  # prints Point(x=1, y=4)
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