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Conditions are statements that result in a true or false value. In other words they return to us a boolean data type. We can use conditions to compare items and make decisions based on certain comparisons. We can use comparison operators to make conditions.

Comparison Operators

There are six main comparison operators in python. They are the following:

<   # less than
<=  # less than or equal to
>   # greater than
>=  # greater than or equal to
==  # equal to
!=  # not equal to

These operators can be used to compare numbers (integers and floats) or to compare strings. However if you are comparing number and strings you can only use the == and != operator.

x = 5
y = 9

x > y     # this is False
y == x    # this is False
x < y-1   # this is True
x+1 != y  # this is True
2.0 > 5   # this is False

"hello" == "hello"  # this is True
"tim" == "Tim"      # this is False
"a" > "b"           # this is False
"apple" < "tim"     # this is True

"5" == 5 # this will return False

2 > "hello"
3.0 < "tim"
# These result in errors

We can also declare variables to hold the values of conditions.

check = "tim" == "joe"
larger = 1 > 5
bothSame = larger == check  # This will be comparing two boolean values together
# if they are both the same we will get a True value
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