From basic to advanced. Learn python programming.

Python for complete beginners.
Learn the Python programming language from scratch. This series is designed for complete beginners and will walk you through the python programming language. Absolutely no experience required. I explain everything in depth and give effective examples to help you understand. It is recommenced that you type along with me and try to create your own programs as you follow along.

Step away from the basics and learn more advanced python programming and syntax.
Learn intermediate and advanced topics in the python programming language. Step away from the basics and enhance your programming skills with new methods and functions in python. Not only will this series help improve your programming skills but it will also save you a ton of time in the future.

Moving away from the basics and into more complex topics. Learn about object oriented programming in python.
Learn about object oriented programming (OOP) in python. This tutorial will break down what an object is and how you can create your own. It will cover creating, implementing and using classes in an effective manner. It will go over methods, inheritance and all other important OOP concepts.

Learn how to create Tic Tac Toe in python using a simple AI.
Create a tic tac toe game in python using a simple AI. This is an intermediate level tutorial and is extremely useful in enhancing your skills with python and gives a basic introduction to AI. This is a text based tutorial but everything used here can be implemented into a graphical version.

Learn how to create a Sudoku Solver using python and backtracking.
This Sudoku solver tutorial uses python and the backtracking algorithm to find a solution to any solvable sudoku board.

Create online multiplayer games with python & networking.
This series is designed to teach you how to develop multiplayer online games using python and networking. It will show you how you can deploy your game so that people anywhere around the world can play against each other.

Learn advanced programming concepts and how to create multi-threaded applications.
This series is designed to teach you how to develop multi-threaded programs using python. It will talk about the differences between threads and processes and show you how to create your own threaded programs.