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Example GUI
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This tutorial will walk you through the code of a complex GUI that I built with kivy. This should give you a good idea of how to create something of this degree on your own.
Source Code
Note: You MUST have kivy installed on your system to run this project.
This project consists of 4 required files. Each of the files listed below must be placed in the same directory.
– main.py (Run this script)
– database.py
– my.kv
– users.txt
You can download the project from one of the following links:
GitHub: Click Here
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# main.py from kivy.app import App from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, Screen from kivy.properties import ObjectProperty from kivy.uix.popup import Popup from kivy.uix.label import Label from database import DataBase class CreateAccountWindow(Screen): namee = ObjectProperty(None) email = ObjectProperty(None) password = ObjectProperty(None) def submit(self): if self.namee.text != "" and self.email.text != "" and self.email.text.count("@") == 1 and self.email.text.count(".") > 0: if self.password != "": db.add_user(self.email.text, self.password.text, self.namee.text) self.reset() sm.current = "login" else: invalidForm() else: invalidForm() def login(self): self.reset() sm.current = "login" def reset(self): self.email.text = "" self.password.text = "" self.namee.text = "" class LoginWindow(Screen): email = ObjectProperty(None) password = ObjectProperty(None) def loginBtn(self): if db.validate(self.email.text, self.password.text): MainWindow.current = self.email.text self.reset() sm.current = "main" else: invalidLogin() def createBtn(self): self.reset() sm.current = "create" def reset(self): self.email.text = "" self.password.text = "" class MainWindow(Screen): n = ObjectProperty(None) created = ObjectProperty(None) email = ObjectProperty(None) current = "" def logOut(self): sm.current = "login" def on_enter(self, *args): password, name, created = db.get_user(self.current) self.n.text = "Account Name: " + name self.email.text = "Email: " + self.current self.created.text = "Created On: " + created class WindowManager(ScreenManager): pass def invalidLogin(): pop = Popup(title='Invalid Login', content=Label(text='Invalid username or password.'), size_hint=(None, None), size=(400, 400)) pop.open() def invalidForm(): pop = Popup(title='Invalid Form', content=Label(text='Please fill in all inputs with valid information.'), size_hint=(None, None), size=(400, 400)) pop.open() kv = Builder.load_file("my.kv") sm = WindowManager() db = DataBase("users.txt") screens = [LoginWindow(name="login"), CreateAccountWindow(name="create"),MainWindow(name="main")] for screen in screens: sm.add_widget(screen) sm.current = "login" class MyMainApp(App): def build(self): return sm if __name__ == "__main__": MyMainApp().run()
# database.py import datetime class DataBase: def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.users = None self.file = None self.load() def load(self): self.file = open(self.filename, "r") self.users = {} for line in self.file: email, password, name, created = line.strip().split(";") self.users[email] = (password, name, created) self.file.close() def get_user(self, email): if email in self.users: return self.users[email] else: return -1 def add_user(self, email, password, name): if email.strip() not in self.users: self.users[email.strip()] = (password.strip(), name.strip(), DataBase.get_date()) self.save() return 1 else: print("Email exists already") return -1 def validate(self, email, password): if self.get_user(email) != -1: return self.users[email][0] == password else: return False def save(self): with open(self.filename, "w") as f: for user in self.users: f.write(user + ";" + self.users[user][0] + ";" + self.users[user][1] + ";" + self.users[user][2] + "\n") @staticmethod def get_date(): return str(datetime.datetime.now()).split(" ")[0]
<CreateAccountWindow>: name: "create" namee: namee email: email password: passw FloatLayout: cols:1 FloatLayout: size: root.width, root.height/2 Label: text: "Create an Account" size_hint: 0.8, 0.2 pos_hint: {"x":0.1, "top":1} font_size: (root.width**2 + root.height**2) / 14**4 Label: size_hint: 0.5,0.12 pos_hint: {"x":0, "top":0.8} text: "Name: " font_size: (root.width**2 + root.height**2) / 14**4 TextInput: pos_hint: {"x":0.5, "top":0.8} size_hint: 0.4, 0.12 id: namee multiline: False font_size: (root.width**2 + root.height**2) / 14**4 Label: size_hint: 0.5,0.12 pos_hint: {"x":0, "top":0.8-0.13} text: "Email: " font_size: (root.width**2 + root.height**2) / 14**4 TextInput: pos_hint: {"x":0.5, "top":0.8-0.13} size_hint: 0.4, 0.12 id: email multiline: False font_size: (root.width**2 + root.height**2) / 14**4 Label: size_hint: 0.5,0.12 pos_hint: {"x":0, "top":0.8-0.13*2} text: "Password: " font_size: (root.width**2 + root.height**2) / 14**4 TextInput: pos_hint: {"x":0.5, "top":0.8-0.13*2} size_hint: 0.4, 0.12 id: passw multiline: False password: True font_size: (root.width**2 + root.height**2) / 14**4 Button: pos_hint:{"x":0.3,"y":0.25} size_hint: 0.4, 0.1 font_size: (root.width**2 + root.height**2) / 17**4 text: "Already have an Account? Log In" on_release: root.manager.transition.direction = "left" root.login() Button: pos_hint:{"x":0.2,"y":0.05} size_hint: 0.6, 0.15 text: "Submit" font_size: (root.width**2 + root.height**2) / 14**4 on_release: root.manager.transition.direction = "left" root.submit() <LoginWindow>: name: "login" email: email password: password FloatLayout: Label: text:"Email: " font_size: (root.width**2 + root.height**2) / 13**4 pos_hint: {"x":0.1, "top":0.9} size_hint: 0.35, 0.15 TextInput: id: email font_size: (root.width**2 + root.height**2) / 13**4 multiline: False pos_hint: {"x": 0.45 , "top":0.9} size_hint: 0.4, 0.15 Label: text:"Password: " font_size: (root.width**2 + root.height**2) / 13**4 pos_hint: {"x":0.1, "top":0.7} size_hint: 0.35, 0.15 TextInput: id: password font_size: (root.width**2 + root.height**2) / 13**4 multiline: False password: True pos_hint: {"x": 0.45, "top":0.7} size_hint: 0.4, 0.15 Button: pos_hint:{"x":0.2,"y":0.05} size_hint: 0.6, 0.2 font_size: (root.width**2 + root.height**2) / 13**4 text: "Login" on_release: root.manager.transition.direction = "up" root.loginBtn() Button: pos_hint:{"x":0.3,"y":0.3} size_hint: 0.4, 0.1 font_size: (root.width**2 + root.height**2) / 17**4 text: "Don't have an Account? Create One" on_release: root.manager.transition.direction = "right" root.createBtn() <MainWindow>: n: n email: email created:created FloatLayout: Label: id: n pos_hint:{"x": 0.1, "top":0.9} size_hint:0.8, 0.2 text: "Account Name: " Label: id: email pos_hint:{"x": 0.1, "top":0.7} size_hint:0.8, 0.2 text: "Email: " Label: id: created pos_hint:{"x": 0.1, "top":0.5} size_hint:0.8, 0.2 text: "Created: " Button: pos_hint:{"x":0.2, "y": 0.1} size_hint:0.6,0.2 text: "Log Out" on_release: app.root.current = "login" root.manager.transition.direction = "down"
Setup/Creating A Simple ApplicationLabels, Input and GUI LayoutsCreating Buttons & Triggering EventsThe kv Design Language (.kv File)Object Properties and .kv ContinuedFloatLayout for Dynamic PlacementTouch Input/Mouse InputSimple Drawing AppNavigation Between Multiple ScreensPopup WindowsExample GUI