Learn to make games with python and pygame.

Learn to make games with python. Complete module walk-through with plenty of examples.
This series is designed to teach you the basics of game design with python. We will be using the python module pygame to develop a basic 2D game. I walk through everything step-by-step and explain everything in a beginner friendly way. After following this series you will be able to create your own basic 2D games with python and pygame.

Learn how to create Tetris step-by-step.
This series will show you how to create Tetris using python and pygame. We will work towards creating a fully functioning Tetris game where shapes fall down the screen. The games difficulty increases at regular intervals causing the shapes to fall faster. This game will include scoring and saving those scores so we can compare which ones are the best. This is a full game development tutorial and does not skip any steps.

Learn how to create the famous snake game using pygame.
This series will show you how to create the famous Snake Game using python and pygame. We will use a standard grid system to represent the play area and move objects around the grid. We will implement our objects using OOP (object orientated programming). This is a great tutorial for beginners that are looking for a next step and something a bit more difficult.

Learn how to create a side-scrolling game.
This series will show you how to create a side-scrolling game using python and pygame. We will work towards creating a game where obstacles are randomly generated and the player must avoid them by sliding or jumping. The difficulty increases as time goes on and the objects and screen are moving faster.